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Minus The Agent

February Special. Ends 28/02/2023

Mistakes While Selling My Own Home

October , 27 2015
Blog, Latest News, Selling Property

Selling or buying is not an easy business to do with. It requires a lot of energy and planning to sell your home. It has been years since I was trying to sell my property in Australia. As much time I put it for sale, I failed. The major reason behind was the wrong choice of the agent and lack of organising the things. There was always a disappointment pining on my way when the customer used to say “NO”. Finally, I took a break and reflected on the reasons behind that refusal and I found the negative grounds.

Choice Of Agent

Months kept on going, but the response was negligible. Finally, I came across the online agent services to sell my home. And, that was when I realised that awareness is the greatest agent for change.

Relying on Others To Show Your Property

And, I felt that this could be done on my own.

Show The Best Features

The foremost factor in boosting your sale is to bring the heightening features of your property into light. Don’t forget to make a count of the best things about your building. For instance: facing park location, covered parking space, market nearby, close pick and drop point and a lot more. The more you swank about its valuable characteristics the more are the chances to crack the deal.

Delay In Meetings

Remember, if you need to sell, you need to stay active. Holding up the meetings, the inspections, the documentation or anything may change the buyer’s mind to look for another option. A real seller is the one who doesn’t give a moment to the buyer to think for other options.

Nobody is born perfect and a man learns from his mistakes only and I learned from it. A perfect guidance from Minus The Agent, an online dealer has left me with the title of “I am my own agent”. I am literally earning well with lots of bucks in my pocket. That’s why I am here to assist you in avoiding these mistakes because the wise man is the one who learns from others mistakes rather than committing one’s own.

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